Estrogen, Progesterone and Cancer

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Many doctors and patients have been concerned about reports that estrogen replacement raises the risk of cancer, but that is not the case, if done properly. When progesterone is given along with estrogen for 10 or more days per cycle, it not only eliminates the risk of this cancer but may actually reduce it beyond that which occurs spontaneously.

Researchers suggest that the progestin was the good guy in combination of estrogen in hormone replacement therapy, first stimulating mitosis, or breast cell division, followed by the reverse, apoptosis. They speculate that a combined continuous regimen of estrogen and progestin could counteract the cell division needed to produce a cancer. Women on estrogen therapy have a lower risk of dying from breast cancer than those who do not take hormones.

Estrogen alone has been shown to protect against coronary heart disease, lower cholesterol and preserve brain function. Estrogen replacement not only sharpens memory and lifts the spirit, but it helps protect against Alzheimer’s and shows promise as a treatment for the disease.

Estrogen and progesterone work in tandem in the body pre-menopause and, increasingly, physicians believe that both hormones should be replaced postmenopause.

Progesterone alone breaks down fat, increases energy through fat loss, protects against endometrial and breast cancer, improves mood and sexual function, and normalizes the levels of blood sugar, zinc and copper.

The overall beneficial effects of combined estrogen-progesterone replacement make a good case for multi-hormonal replacement. By combining these hormones with DHEA and melatonin, both of which have a anti-cancer effect, and growth hormone that stimulates the natural killer cells that fight cancer, you may be able to enjoy all the health-giving, age-reversing benefits of female sex hormone replacement while lowering the risk of cancer.


It is important to see a physician regarding this to make sure it is medically monitored and done properly.


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Inches and Pounds the Vitality Clinic LLC

5132 US high way 19 North.

New Port Richey, FL 34652


1) HCG is not an FDA approved method of weight-loss therapy. 2) HCG has not been demonstrated to be effective adjunctive therapy in the treatment of obesity. There is no substantial evidence that it increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or "normal" distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restricted diets.