Authored by: Sonia E Russell, LPN & Candice Ekberg, B.S. ESS, NSCA-CPT, EMT-I
Dr. Simeons’s stabilization information, written over 50 years ago, is vague and open for interpretation. Dieters are often uncertain on how to effectively follow his suggestions and many fear they will gain the weight back. Sonia E Russell, LPN has teamed up with personal fitness trainer Candice Ekberg, B.S. ESS and taken the guess work out of stabilizing by combining their years of hCG diet coaching, knowledge in nutrition and personal fitness, and nursing background to develop a structured and comprehensive phase 3 plan that will help you ensure stabilization, prevent the frustration of chronic correction days, avoid unnecessary additional rounds and the possibility of gaining any weight back.
Our comprehensive P3 plan will reduce stress to the hypothalamus by prohibiting the dieter to over-indulge on sugars, starches, grain breads, nuts, beans and limiting dairy.
Sneak Peak at NEW P3 Guide
Author Biographies
Phase 3 and the Science Behind Stabilization
How to Begin Phase 3
Correction Days
Phase 3 Food Guidelines
Foods and Ingredients to Avoid
Phase 3 Exercise
Phase 3 Calorie Conversion Chart
The Interval in Between Rounds
How to Begin Phase 4
Understanding Basal and Resting Metabolic Rates
Closing Notes from Sonia & Candice
Phase 3 Recipes
Phase 3 Tracker-(expanded 3 page tracker -includes detailed allowable foods)